Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dairy and other boring things...

I know, the title of this post inspires anticipation and eagerness in you... I bet you are saying to yourself "Self, we must go check out that awesome blog!"... What?? You didn't say that to yourself?? Oh, ok...
Ok, here's the reason for this post... I am working on a deep meaningful post, but I have writers block. So I thought to myself "Self,I bet the best way to get over that block is to blog about you day/weekend." So, here I am...
Preschool started this week. I really do love my job, though it is stressful sometimes. I have the priviledge of teaching toddlers. It is truly my favorite age to teach. They are so fun and loving at this age. And I have some great kids. Though, this is the youngest class I have had yet. My oldest will turn 2 in November, the youngest will turn 2 at the end of May... I have often said that the act of getting my classes to walk down the hall from one place to another was like hurding cats, this year it is more like fish... Sqiggly, slippery fish...
And now on to the dairy... We have finished Nic's two weeks of elimenations and now we are adding things back in. Today we started him on dairy. I made his morning shake with milk, and... Ok, well thinking back on today, I realize my brain was still in the no dairy mode... Besides the butter he had on his glutin free roll, and some ranch dressing, that is all the dairy he's had today... Hummm... Instead of forgetting and feeding him food with stuff he's not supposed to have in it, I'm forgetting to feed him stuff that does have it... I guess he acted up a little at church with Jon, and had a teeny tiny bit if a tummy ache after church, I haven't really seen much of a reaction. So may be it's not dairy that is the trouble maker...
I did have a revelation this week as Nic and I were driving to school... I have always, selfishly, felt a bit burdened by my babyson's troubles... The "why me?" syndrome. I am very ashamed of this. But it hit me as Nic and I were praying... God opened my eyes and helped me to see past my selfishness. I am not being burdened by having him a's a son... I am reaping so many blessings by having him as a son. It's not a "why me?", it's a "WOW... Me!". I was chosen to be the mother of this wonderful boy. I was chosen to be the mother to these three wonderfully awesome children... I am blessed beyond measure...
Hmmm... May be this wasn't so boring after all...


  1. Yeah, there are some errors... I am typing this on my iPad... It likes to pick and choose some words for me...

  2. Maybe this was the meaningful post you thought you were not writing due to writer's block. Your last comments are felt, at times, by me as well. And probably by most parents. Each child has something that makes their parents wonder those same things. I just hope that I can think, "Wow, me!" a lot more than, "Why me?" and convey how awesome they are on a daily basis!

  3. It is so nice to know that I'm not the only one... It is so easy to feel isolated in situations like these and remember that there are other people out there going through the same things... Thank you Tara! I am liking this writing stuff. It is helping me to find revelations in myself that I would not have found with out writing them down! My deep meaningful blog isn't about all that is going on with Nic. I felt that with so much of my life and thinking being filled with the Nicolas stuff, I should write something else that is meaningful to me and would give my mind a rest from the Nic stuff... But may be that is why I am having writers block about that post, because I am constantly thinking about this other stuff... Erg...
